Mother Earth, Home to All

“Is not the sky a father and the earth a mother, and are not all living things with feet or wings or roots their children?”

—Black Elk

It all begins with Mother Earth.

Before we can even think about Earth’s challenges or climate action, we need to know and love her. We need a basic understanding of the gifts she gives us. We need to realize she is home to all and we are all connected through her.

The Earth Warriors already knew our planet’s name is earth, it’s where we live, it’s mostly green/blue (but don’t forget about white and brown!). We learned that while she is travelling around the sun, she’s also spinning! We tried doing that ourselves and felt pretty dizzy. The children think Mother Earth is pretty talented!

While the campers knew that plants and animals live on earth just as we do, many had not thought about the fact that we share a home with them. “They don’t live in my house!” But as the weeks went on, the children began to understand that while we live in a house of some kind (house, apartment, mobile home, etc.) and they live elsewhere, we ALL live on Mother Earth and depend on her gifts. She is home to all.


Earth’s Gifts: Food, Air, Water